Wednesday, May 13, 2009

just pretend that this is 2008

so i got this award, thanks to janice. this is the first time i got an award for my blog. hehe

the rules are:

1. each blogger must post these rules
2. each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. each blogger needs to choose ten people and tag them.
4. don`t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they`ve been tagged and to read your blog . *

okay! shall we start?

1) bernama panjang Gabriella Natasha R. suka banget Online, dan males banget belajar. wakakaka

2) pngen banget bisa photoshop. lagi belajar neh. hehe

3) penyakit yang paling sering muncul, maag . huh.

4) seneng banget ngumpul n jalan bareng temen2 .

5) lebih sering minjem2 barang. hahaha

6) BOROS. hahha. gga ada uang pegangan. kyahahaha. uang bulanan pasti habis sebelum akhir bulan.

7) bentar lagi mau pindah ke Malang. sma disana. sedih juga, mau pisah sama semuuanya .

8) gga bisa jaga barang. hape baruu aja, udah tampak hancur lebur. wkwkwk

9) benci banget sama KUCING.

10) suka nyemil coklat. hahaha. tpi ga gendut2. pingin tambah tinggi, tambah gendutan dikit. hehe

* i am sorry--whoever that made those rules--that i changed several things on the rules part above. just slight grammatical errors. hehehe

and i tag...


*cuma 5 nih. haha. blm ada temen link baru. :)


2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

bentar lagi mau di malang ya, jd harus belajar hemat, jd uangnya harus diatur supaya bisa cukup buat kebutuhan sehari2 oke.....
^__^ God Bless You always my sista....^__^


Andryan said...

Wah aku dapet toh??? Kok ga bilang2 sih...