Thursday, February 5, 2009

100 pertanyaan. pusing.pusing

001. Real name → Gabriella Natasha Rahardjo

002. Like it? → ga jugaa. seringan tak tulis Gabriella Natasha R. (hihihi,aneh sii)

003. Nickname(s)→ Gaby,Gab,Bii,Gabod,

004. Status
→SMP, di Snjose JHS, n single. hihihi

005. Zodiac sign → Pisces

006. Male or female → female..

007. Elementary→ St. Yoseph I. hihi

008. Middle School → St. Yoseph.. (lagi)

009. High School →... (masih ga tau mau dimana)

010. Hair color → hitam..

011. Long or short → di bilang pendek ga. dibilang panjang juga ga.

012. Eye color → item (kali? ga tau juga)

013. Weight → kalo ga 43,44, atau 45

014. Height → mungkin antara 158-160

015. Righty or lefty → righty

016. Loud or Quiet → kadang bisa ributt, kadang bisa diemm.hehe

017. Sweats or Jeans →jeans,(tpi kadang2juga.lebih enak pake clana pndekk.hmm)

018. Phone or Camera → dua2nya.hehe

019. Health freak → tidak,tidak.

020. Piercings?→ TIDAKK.hehe

021. Do you have a crush on someone? → emm..gaa

022. Eat or Drink → laper ya makann. haus, minum. dua-duanya penting.

023. Purse or Backpack → purse..

024. Tattoos →tidakk.tidakk.tidakk.

025. Do You Like Yourself? → yaa.x) mulaii mengenali dirii. hihi

026. Current worry? → pemantapan,ujian,future,

027. Orange or Apple Juice? → orange juice.xp

028. Night or Day? → day..

029. Sun or Moon? → moon

030. TV or Internet? → both of them.

031.PlayStation or XBox? → playstation? tpi ga gitu banget. jarang banget mainn.

032. Kiss or Hug? → hug..*romantiss.hihi*

033. Iguana or Turtle? → turtle..

034. Spider or Bee? → none of them.hihi

035. Fall or Spring? → spring. kyknya lebih enak? tapi, di Indo, ga pernah. jadi ya g tau. haha

036. Limewire or iTunes? →hmm iTunes (?)

037. Soccer or Baseball? → tidak bermain keduanya. hampir tidak pernah menonton keduanya (bosen,haha. bukan pencinta olahraga.haha)

038. First surgery → - belum pernah..pernahnya di geser lututnya..hihi

039. First piercing → belum, dan ga..

040. First best friend → yang ku inget, waktu tk, Janice. haha.

041. First Sport? → jalan?lompat?

042. First award → lomba mewarnai kayaknya lupa juara berapa.. waktu TK.hehe

043. First crush →siapa yaa??

044. First pet → snowy.hehe.anjing ga tau jenis apa. hehe

045. First big vacation →beberapa tahun yang lalu, (kyknya aku masih SD). dari bali naik mobil sampe jawa tengah. hehe (waktu itu, aku sakit,huix)

046. First big birthday → kapan yaa?? ga tauu. blum ada sepertinya. tidak ingatt.

047. Eating → ga.

048. Drinking → teh sariwangi. hehe

049. I'm about to → chat..

050. Listening to → suara tv ga jelas. hehe

051. Singing? → tidakk..

052. Typing? → jelaslahh...hahahahaha

053. Waiting for → ujian.liburan.hehe,

054. Want kids? → ya ialahh

055. When? → waktu udah gede. hehe.(nikah dulu)

056. Want to get married? → iaaaaaaa.iaaaaa.

057. When? → abis kuliah, udah bisa kerja. sukses. hehe

058. Where Do You Want To Live? → tempat yang tenang. tidak terlalu bising. aman tentunya. hihi

059. Careers in mind → penulis,designer,guru piano,pembicara

060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? → apa ya?

061. Mellow Future Or Wild? → (?)

062. Something You Would Never Try? → tindik, drugs,merokok

063. Lips or eyes → eyes

064. Shorter or taller? → taller.. lebih tinggi dari aku dongg. hoho

065. Romantic or spontaneous → both..

066. Nice stomach or nice arms →both..

067. Sensitive or loud → sensitive..

068. Hook-up or relationship → (?)

069. Trouble maker or hesitant → (?)

070. Hugging or Kissing? → hugging..

071. Tan Skinned or Light? → light..

072. Dark or Light Hair? → dark

073. Muscular or Normal? → normall.....

074. Lost glasses/contacts → yaa.

075. Ran away from home → gaa. haha

076. Held a gun/knife for self defense?→gaa..

077. Killed somebody → tidakk..

078. Broken someone's heart →yaa,

079. Been arrested → gaa,

080. Cried when someone died → yaa,

081. Kissed A Stranger? → gaa,,

082. Climbed Up A Tree? → pernahh, hehe

083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? → hmm, yaa.

084. Yourself → yaa..

085. Miracles → yaa..

086. Love at first sight → tidakkkkk,

087. Heaven → Yaa TENTUU..

088. Santa Claus → hmm,, ya, waktu aku kecil. hehe,

089. Kiss on the first date → tidaaa

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yaa,

091. Do You Like Someone? → yaa,

092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → hmm, terkadang..

093. Do you believe in God → yaa,

094. Recieved/Sent Text Message → yohana/eno

095. Received Call →tidaa ada..

096. Call Made? → lupaaa !

097. Comment On MySpace? → tidaa ada myspace

098. Missed Call? → eno,

099. Person You Hung out With? → tt.yuli. haha(anter jemput aku)

100. Post as 100 truths and tag people

i tag one person !


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